The French Bulldog Awareness Group' has provided a valuable tool of education for new and old owners, as we learn from one another with our experiences, this bond has made the club even stronger.

A Western Australian French Bulldog Club was created in 1998 when three breeders in Perth banded together to form a group of devoted people that would provide breed awareness to pet owners.

Founding members Sandra & Ken Winter (Britbull), Lynne Hudson (EarsRup), Rick & (the late) Nancy Gray (Dalrite) agreed they would develop a "social group" to provide knowledge and education to all French Bulldog owners, be it health or social issues. The new club also needed to be instrumental in public awareness about our breed, and provide aid to all Frenchies in need (and their owners) through a rescue service.

During this first meeting the name of the club was created, "The French Bulldog Awareness Group of Western Australia"

At the 1998 inaugural gathering a "Picnic in the Park", the committee were thrilled with the attendance of nearly 40 French Bulldogs and their families.

Today - The French Bulldog Awareness Group of W.A.(Inc) organise five functions per year - a "Picnic in the Park" plus a "Fun Day with Fancy Dress" with two "Casual Bulldog Walks" and "Lunch at the Pub". We fundraise at these gatherings through donations, raffles etc. (see below for dates).

Over the years ‘The Group' has grown in strength and currently mails out over 180 quarterly Newsletters to members for which we ask a minimum membership of $10.00 per year.

Communication with Frenchie owners and potential owners has always been our main aim.

‘The Group' has provided a valuable tool of education for new and old owners, as we learn from one another with our experiences, this bond has made the club even stronger.

One of the major advantages for breeders is to see progeny return each year to attend events that are organised; this has given extra insight into the direction of breeding programs.

Today's committee (Picture Below) is a mixture of old stalwarts of the breed and newer owners of Frenchies who have reinforced the "original beliefs" of this very special Group of French Bulldog Lovers.

French Bulldog Club Perth

Upcoming Events


Are you looking for more outings with your French Bulldog ??

You are invited for a CASUAL WALK with "The F. B. A. G. of W.A."

Check out our website or facebook page for more information.